Hi Again to the T90’s and Three More Humpbacks

The T90’s Eagle, Piglet, Tigger & Kanga, and some pigeon guillemots

May 11

We saw three humpbacks today!
They were seen pretty far South down in the Straight of Juan De Fuca. We circled the unique and spooky Smith Island, famous for being home to the Tufted Puffin seen on our birding cruises. Here we saw, Split fin (offspring of Big Mama) and Smiley.
Then, as we were headed back home up Rosario Strait, Captain Casey spotted another.

We also got to watch a “King of the Hill” match between Steller Sea Lions on a buoy. There were 4 on the buoy and 5 In the water, and they were grunting, growling and snorting at each other.

May 12, Mothers Day

We got to see the T90s we saw last weekend, again today.
Today they were in mostly travel mode. They were moving through Thatcher Pass by James and Decatur Island and then made their way North right up against the eastern shore of Blakely Island. Blakely made for a beautiful backdrop of our whale peeping.

They briefly went into hunting mode, then began traveling faster and milling. They definitely caught something, as there were gulls around diving to the water. We got to see Piglet tail slap, and even got to see a spy hop from one the female orcas!

We also got to see porpoise, Steller Sea Lions, four eagles, harbor seals, and pigeon guillemots. T’was a great Mothers day watch.

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